
Did you know that Vaginismus
doesn't have to be a permanent condition?

Vaginismus is mostly unknown among many people.

It is a mind-body response to fear, anxiety, and pain with penetration attempts.

It’s a penetration disorder in which any form of vaginal penetration such as tampon, vaginal dilators, gynecologic (GYN) examinations, and intercourse is often painful or impossible.

But it’s not a permanent condition.

And by being here, seeking help, looking for support, you’ve already taken a GIANT STEP in your overcoming journey…

We don’t have to lose years to do something about overcoming our vaginismus 

There are many ways to achieve this healing.

In this guide, you’ll find some ways to overcome it from my own perspective.

I struggled with vaginismus for more than 10 years.

Hi, I’m Petek.

And I bet you find it hard to imagine that one day you can have a family or a healthy sex life because you suffer from vaginismus.

I know that because I was there.

I can relate to the embarrassment, guilt, fear of pain, and many other emotions coming after each sex attempt.

Not feeling “like a woman,” not feeling “complete” during those struggling years with vaginismus.

We don’t have to lose years to do something about healing our vaginismus

I’m coaching women with vaginismus on dealing with their difficult emotions like fear, guilt, frustration, and reconnecting with their whole bodies so that they can continue with their healing journey consistently.

So Yes! We Can Heal It!

The time is NOW to lift off the weight you’ve been carrying and get liberated!

What is a Vaginismus Healing Facilitator

As someone who has been through living with and overcoming vaginismus, I am here to tell you that you CAN HEAL it.

On the way to the healing, you will find different people who will fill a very specific role in healing your condition:

Gynecologists, psychologists, special pelvic health psychotherapists, and mindfulness specialists.

With an 8 week program I developed which is based on different mindfulness meditation practices, physical exercises with yoga, and one-on-one coaching sessions, you’ll get in touch with yourself on a deeper level.

I’ll be accompanying you at every step of this path and so you’ll overcome vaginismus CONSISTENTLY.

Why Do We Feel Like We Can’t Move Forward with Healing Vaginismus?

Do you ever feel like you can’t move forward with your healing vaginismus process? If…

How to be Committed Enough to Overcoming Vaginismus?

How would you score your commitment to healing vaginismus from 0 to 10, dear? And…

Expectations Tremendously Impact Our Vaginismus Healing Progress

How do you treat yourself when things do not go in the way you expected…

I'd love to hear your story

Here are some ways we can start a conversation: tell me more about your story with vaginismus. You can tell me about everything you have tried so far, what has worked and what hasn’t by using the message box below, or you can reach me at this email: petek@yeswecanhealtogether.com

Your email is confidential, and I’ll get back to you very soon.